Alright ladies…its infographic time! All of us want to strut our stuff in them high heels, right? Where some are brilliant at it…others (like me) suck so bad at it that it ain’t funny. Me and high heel have this cold war going on ever since I can remember where I’m bound to trip and fall when I have them on. It used to be very bad in my teens when I actually dared wearing them super high. Still it would not be enough to make me quit. But with age my heels have gone low and so has my tolerance of choosing fashion over comfort (sigh). These days you will find so many guides on how to walk in your heels but as with everything I present to you a practical guide which you can supplement with all the walking in high heels practice you need to be doing. How I wish there was somethings like this around back when I was starting out…maybe I could be stomping like a diva in them right about now…ah well 🙂

How to wear high heels
     Well the 1st point about well fitting shoes might seem like a common sense thing but really I have seen so many pics of celebs wearing ill fitting shoes that I realized that it was not the case and had to be spelled out. Your shoe should be comfortable to begin with so don’t fall for the “oh these will open up eventually” sales crap. Also the more the shoe hugs the foot the better will be your balance in them. Even if you like those strappy barely there numbers try to increase the support they offer with some add on’s. Companies like Heel C*ndoms offer some interesting options. And at the end of the day, just give your feet some TLC and required stretches to ensure that the damage caused to the muscle and tendons get minimized. I hope you guys liked this infographic! Do let me know what you think of it…astala vista baby 🙂