
Shikha Says:

     Remember the glorious 20’s when you didn’t have to worry about your skin? When a little went a long way? Some TLC would give you results in leaps and bounds *sigh*. I sure do miss those years of mine. I always keep telling my sisters to take care of their skin as what effort they will put in now will show up in their later years. 

Source: Cleansing Toning Moisturizing  Set
     The skin is fresh and young at this age and does not usually suffer from many complaints except maybe Acne. So these are the years in which habits need to be formed which will help to keep the condition of the skin in its prime in the later stages of life. One needs to establish a good Cleansing-Toning-Moisturizing routine and MUST form a “addiction” for applying sun screen before venturing out. Some experts even say to apply sunscreen as part of a routine irrespective of the fact whether you venture out or not. I remember when I had gone to Kaya for consultation the dermatologist over there told me apply sunscreen even when I told him that I worked the graveyard shift and from home.  Personally I found that very strange!?
Sunscreen – Neutrogena’s oil free sunscreen
     Another routine that would be beneficial to adopt is the application of a night cream/moisturizer. A lot of experts recommend the use of creams with Retinol (Vitamin A) in them as these will help in reducing the appearance of fine lines, improve collagen and help in combating acne. Try to avoid using Retinol based creams in the day time as it is known to increase ones sensitivity to the sun. Always consult a dermatologist first before choosing creams with active ingredients in them especially when you are prone to acne, rashes, etc. 

     Last and definitely not the least is to treat your skin to home made packs and remedies. Nothing can compare to the benefits that one can derive from using these dadima ke nuske (grandma’s recipes) to combat any problem area or for the general nourishment and glow of skin. Remember these are the best years of one’s life. If you show proper love and respect (cease or limit smoking/drinking) to your skin and hair at this age, they in turn will keep you happy and proud in the difficult years to come 🙂

Face Mask for 20’s:

  • 1 Tbsp Brewer’s yeast
  • 1/2 cup Yogurt
  • 1 Tbsp Honey

     Mix the yeast and yogurt and leave it overnight in the fridge. Add honey and apply for 30 mins. {Note – I have not tried this mask personally. But I know for a fact that it would be smelly due to the yeast. Please do a patch test if you are unsure about the effect of the ingredient. I had come across this recipe in some article a long time back.